“An extraordinarily valuable film”
– Robert Jay Lifton

a vivid Two-Decade interactive Timeline
is now available at
The World Psychiatric Association has announced a very broad and explicit position statement against participation of psychiatrists in military or law enforcement interrogations. See pp. 96-100 of the recent issue of Torture, the journal of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims. Torture Journal, Vol. 27 - Issue No. 3 (flip to p. 96 of the online version)
This article on solitarywatch.com addresses the role of social workers in the prison system, where they have the "ability to expose — or enable — abuse." READ
The "good doctors" counterpoint to Doctors of the Dark Side is free and online at expertwitnessagainsttorture.com along with several short videos and additional features.
July 2016—UPDATE on the Health Professional Fight Against Torture
For more information, go to Host a Screening and View/Buy the Film.